Airfare Deals Tbilisi to New York

On you will find 0 direct and 7 connecting flights from Tbilisi to New York at a price of from $420. You can compare airfare deals from airlines and multiple travel sites, book and save on cheap plane tickets and last minute offers. Also check out TBS - NYC flight schedule to find best flight time, convenient departure and arrival airports.


The cost of airline tickets from Tbilisi to New York (United States) and back without transfers can be found with the help of the calendar. Specify the search parameters: one way or round-trip, payment currency, click on the month/day you need and we will search for flights to New York.

One way flight from Tbilisi to New York

Below are the prices of tickets for direct one-way flights from Tbilisi to New York. The cheapest flight from Tbilisi to New York starts from $420 – the departure date for this flight is 15 November 2024.

Sort by: Departure dateCheap flightsFast flightsDirect flights
29.11.2024 Friday
from $454
Economy Found 2 days
2 Stopovers 25 hours 0 min
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21.11.2024 Thursday
from $461 City.Travel
Economy Found 2 days
2 Stopovers 26 hours 30 min
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20.11.2024 Wednesday
from $467
Economy Found yesterday
2 Stopovers 41 hours 50 min
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18.11.2024 Monday
from $477
Economy Found today
2 Stopovers 41 hours 30 min
Find Flights
19.11.2024 Tuesday
from $480
Economy Found today
2 Stopovers 41 hours 30 min
Find Flights
19.11.2024 Tuesday
from $482 Aviakassa
Economy Found today
3 Stopovers 44 hours 55 min
Find Flights
06.11.2024 Wednesday
from $483
Economy Found today
3 Stopovers 28 hours 0 min
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21.11.2024 Thursday
from $489
Economy Found 2 days
3 Stopovers 23 hours 35 min
Find Flights
12.11.2024 Tuesday
from $489
Economy Found yesterday
3 Stopovers 24 hours 10 min
Find Flights
07.11.2024 Thursday
from $489
Economy Found yesterday
3 Stopovers 22 hours 40 min
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06.11.2024 Wednesday
from $495 Aviakassa
Economy Found today
2 Stopovers 24 hours 20 min
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25.11.2024 Monday
from $498 Aviakassa
Economy Found yesterday
2 Stopovers 25 hours 0 min
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18.11.2024 Monday
from $499 Aviakassa
Economy Found today
3 Stopovers 54 hours 25 min
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26.11.2024 Tuesday
from $499
Economy Found yesterday
3 Stopovers 24 hours 10 min
Find Flights
05.11.2024 Tuesday
from $510
Economy Found 2024-10-03
2 Stopovers 41 hours 30 min
Find Flights
26.11.2024 Tuesday
from $513 Aviakassa
Economy Found yesterday
2 Stopovers 35 hours 35 min
Find Flights
05.11.2024 Tuesday
from $516 Aviakassa
Economy Found 2024-10-03
3 Stopovers 43 hours 50 min
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30.11.2024 Saturday
from $519
Economy Found 2 days
2 Stopovers 25 hours 0 min
Find Flights
02.11.2024 Saturday
from $522
Economy Found today
1 Stopover 25 hours 50 min
Find Flights
12.11.2024 Tuesday
from $526 City.Travel
Economy Found yesterday
2 Stopovers 26 hours 0 min
Find Flights
05.11.2024 Tuesday
from $537 City.Travel
Economy Found 2024-10-03
1 Stopover 26 hours 40 min
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20.11.2024 Wednesday
from $538 City.Travel
Economy Found yesterday
1 Stopover 27 hours 5 min
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08.11.2024 Friday
from $539
Economy Found today
3 Stopovers 63 hours 0 min
Find Flights
01.11.2024 Friday
from $540
Economy Found today
3 Stopovers 63 hours 0 min
Find Flights
21.11.2024 Thursday
from $540 City.Travel
Economy Found 2 days
1 Stopover 33 hours 40 min
Find Flights
26.11.2024 Tuesday
from $544 City.Travel
Economy Found yesterday
1 Stopover 27 hours 5 min
Find Flights
12.11.2024 Tuesday
from $544 City.Travel
Economy Found yesterday
1 Stopover 26 hours 40 min
Find Flights
07.11.2024 Thursday
from $544 City.Travel
Economy Found yesterday
1 Stopover 26 hours 40 min
Find Flights
18.11.2024 Monday
from $548 City.Travel
Economy Found today
1 Stopover 29 hours 30 min
Find Flights
06.11.2024 Wednesday
from $548 City.Travel
Economy Found today
1 Stopover 26 hours 40 min
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*Prices include: baggage, hand luggage, airline fees and charges.

Round trip from Tbilisi to New York

You can buy a round-trip ticket from Tbilisi to New York (United States) and back using the table below. The best offer starts from $566, the flight dates are: there on 16 January 2025 year and back on 30 January 2025 year.

Sort by: Departure dateCheap flightsTrip timeDirect flights
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 13.12.24 01:50, Fr
2 Stopovers Trip 29 days
Return 10.01.25 23:25, Fr
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 01.02.25 01:50, Sa
2 Stopovers Trip 22 days
Return 22.02.25 23:25, Sa
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 03.02.25 01:50, Mo
2 Stopovers Trip 26 days
Return 28.02.25 22:25, Fr
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 24.12.24 01:50, Tu
2 Stopovers Trip 19 days
Return 11.01.25 23:43, Sa
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 18.11.24 01:50, Mo
1 Stopover Trip 7 days
Return 25.11.24 01:50, Mo
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 14.11.24 01:50, Th
1 Stopover Trip 13 days
Return 27.11.24 01:50, We
Turkish Airlines TK 379 Morning flight
Departure 08.03.25 08:00, Sa
1 Stopover Trip 7 days
Return 15.03.25 17:55, Sa
Turkish Airlines TK 379 Morning flight
Departure 07.03.25 08:00, Fr
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 15.03.25 17:55, Sa
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 11.11.24 01:50, Mo
1 Stopover Trip 15 days
Return 26.11.24 01:50, Tu
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 18.12.24 01:50, We
2 Stopovers Trip 20 days
Return 07.01.25 01:10, Tu
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 16.12.24 01:50, Mo
1 Stopover Trip 16 days
Return 01.01.25 01:50, We
Turkish Airlines TK 379 Morning flight
Departure 10.03.25 08:00, Mo
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 18.03.25 05:30, Tu
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 12.11.24 01:50, Tu
2 Stopovers Trip 8 days
Return 19.11.24 23:24, Tu
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 23.12.24 01:50, Mo
2 Stopovers Trip 17 days
Return 08.01.25 23:25, We
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 10.02.25 01:50, Mo
2 Stopovers Trip 10 days
Return 19.02.25 22:25, We
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 19.11.24 01:50, Tu
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 27.11.24 01:50, We
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 12.12.24 01:50, Th
2 Stopovers Trip 17 days
Return 29.12.24 01:55, Su
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 21.10.24 01:10, Mo
2 Stopovers Trip 15 days
Return 04.11.24 22:30, Mo
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 25.12.24 01:50, We
2 Stopovers Trip 20 days
Return 13.01.25 22:16, Mo
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 13.03.25 01:50, Th
1 Stopover Trip 9 days
Return 22.03.25 01:50, Sa
Georgian Airways A9 651 Night flight
Departure 03.03.25 02:45, Mo
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 11.03.25 02:20, Tu
Transavia HV 2629 Evening flight
Departure 02.02.25 18:45, Su
1 Stopover Trip 7 days
Return 09.02.25 22:50, Su
Georgian Airways A9 651 Night flight
Departure 17.03.25 02:45, Mo
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 25.03.25 02:20, Tu
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 01.03.25 01:50, Sa
2 Stopovers Trip 30 days
Return 30.03.25 23:48, Su
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 09.02.25 01:50, Su
2 Stopovers Trip 13 days
Return 21.02.25 23:25, Fr
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 11.03.25 01:50, Tu
2 Stopovers Trip 7 days
Return 17.03.25 23:45, Mo
Air France AF 1053 Morning flight
Departure 06.03.25 05:30, Th
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 14.03.25 02:20, Fr
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 10.04.25 00:50, Th
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 18.04.25 01:45, Fr
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 16.01.25 01:50, Th
1 Stopover Trip 15 days
Return 31.01.25 01:50, Fr
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 30.11.24 01:50, Sa
2 Stopovers Trip 7 days
Return 07.12.24 13:25, Sa
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 25.11.24 01:50, Mo
2 Stopovers Trip 8 days
Return 03.12.24 03:00, Tu
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 09.03.25 01:50, Su
1 Stopover Trip 7 days
Return 16.03.25 01:50, Su
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 23.11.24 01:50, Sa
2 Stopovers Trip 19 days
Return 11.12.24 23:00, We
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 17.11.24 01:50, Su
2 Stopovers Trip 8 days
Return 25.11.24 03:05, Mo
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 21.03.25 01:50, Fr
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 29.03.25 01:50, Sa
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 10.01.25 01:50, Fr
2 Stopovers Trip 8 days
Return 17.01.25 23:25, Fr
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 01.04.25 01:10, Tu
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 08.04.25 21:40, Tu
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 19.12.24 01:50, Th
2 Stopovers Trip 19 days
Return 07.01.25 03:00, Tu
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 22.10.24 01:10, Tu
2 Stopovers Trip 14 days
Return 04.11.24 22:30, Mo
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 04.12.24 01:50, We
2 Stopovers Trip 14 days
Return 18.12.24 02:25, We
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 08.10.24 01:10, Tu
2 Stopovers Trip 8 days
Return 15.10.24 21:40, Tu
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 10.11.24 01:50, Su
1 Stopover Trip 14 days
Return 23.11.24 23:10, Sa
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 10.10.24 00:50, Th
2 Stopovers Trip 22 days
Return 31.10.24 18:15, Th
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 02.11.24 01:50, Sa
1 Stopover Trip 14 days
Return 16.11.24 01:50, Sa
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 07.04.25 01:10, Mo
2 Stopovers Trip 8 days
Return 15.04.25 00:30, Tu
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 22.12.24 01:50, Su
2 Stopovers Trip 23 days
Return 13.01.25 23:25, Mo
United Airlines UA 8755 Night flight
Departure 01.11.24 01:50, Fr
2 Stopovers Trip 10 days
Return 10.11.24 15:30, Su
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 13.11.24 01:50, We
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 21.11.24 01:50, Th
LOT Polish Airlines LO 724 Night flight
Departure 15.12.24 01:20, Su
1 Stopover Trip 15 days
Return 30.12.24 03:35, Mo
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 30.12.24 01:50, Mo
2 Stopovers Trip 12 days
Return 10.01.25 23:25, Fr
LOT Polish Airlines LO 724 Night flight
Departure 11.04.25 00:10, Fr
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 19.04.25 02:20, Sa
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 28.12.24 01:50, Sa
1 Stopover Trip 15 days
Return 12.01.25 01:50, Su
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 29.12.24 01:50, Su
2 Stopovers Trip 14 days
Return 12.01.25 01:50, Su
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 17.10.24 00:50, Th
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 24.10.24 21:00, Th
LOT Polish Airlines LO 724 Night flight
Departure 21.04.25 00:10, Mo
1 Stopover Trip 10 days
Return 01.05.25 02:20, Th
LOT Polish Airlines LO 726 Night flight
Departure 14.03.25 02:35, Fr
1 Stopover Trip 3 days
Return 17.03.25 03:35, Mo
Austrian Airlines OS 640 Night flight
Departure 21.12.24 01:50, Sa
2 Stopovers Trip 18 days
Return 08.01.25 01:55, We
LOT Polish Airlines LO 724 Night flight
Departure 02.06.25 00:10, Mo
1 Stopover Trip 29 days
Return 01.07.25 02:20, Tu
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 02.12.24 01:50, Mo
2 Stopovers Trip 28 days
Return 29.12.24 23:40, Su
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 01.05.25 01:10, Th
2 Stopovers Trip 31 day
Return 31.05.25 23:48, Sa
LOT Polish Airlines LO 726 Night flight
Departure 17.12.24 02:35, Tu
1 Stopover Trip 15 days
Return 01.01.25 03:35, We
Pegasus Airlines PC 315 Night flight
Departure 15.01.25 01:00, We
2 Stopovers Trip 6 days
Return 21.01.25 04:00, Tu
LOT Polish Airlines LO 726 Night flight
Departure 03.12.24 02:35, Tu
1 Stopover Trip 16 days
Return 19.12.24 03:35, Th
British Airways BA 891 Night flight
Departure 15.06.25 03:30, Su
1 Stopover Trip 14 days
Return 29.06.25 11:55, Su
British Airways BA 891 Night flight
Departure 10.09.25 03:10, We
1 Stopover Trip 6 days
Return 16.09.25 11:55, Tu
British Airways BA 891 Night flight
Departure 09.06.25 03:30, Mo
1 Stopover Trip 29 days
Return 08.07.25 03:15, Tu
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 27.12.24 01:50, Fr
2 Stopovers Trip 29 days
Return 24.01.25 21:35, Fr
LOT Polish Airlines LO 724 Night flight
Departure 16.04.25 00:10, We
1 Stopover Trip 8 days
Return 24.04.25 02:20, Th
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 05.11.24 01:50, Tu
1 Stopover Trip 16 days
Return 20.11.24 22:30, We
British Airways BA 891 Night flight
Departure 22.06.25 03:30, Su
1 Stopover Trip 18 days
Return 10.07.25 11:55, Th
British Airways BA 891 Night flight
Departure 20.06.25 03:30, Fr
2 Stopovers Trip 10 days
Return 30.06.25 03:00, Mo
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 24.10.24 01:10, Th
2 Stopovers Trip 10 days
Return 03.11.24 11:00, Su
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 20.12.24 01:50, Fr
2 Stopovers Trip 19 days
Return 07.01.25 23:40, Tu
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 16.10.24 01:10, We
2 Stopovers Trip 8 days
Return 23.10.24 22:29, We
LOT Polish Airlines LO 726 Night flight
Departure 14.06.25 01:25, Sa
1 Stopover Trip 22 days
Return 06.07.25 02:20, Su
LOT Polish Airlines LO 726 Night flight
Departure 10.12.24 02:35, Tu
1 Stopover Trip 16 days
Return 26.12.24 03:35, Th
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 23.10.24 01:10, We
2 Stopovers Trip 15 days
Return 06.11.24 22:25, We
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 12.10.24 01:10, Sa
2 Stopovers Trip 8 days
Return 19.10.24 22:45, Sa
LOT Polish Airlines LO 724 Night flight
Departure 04.08.25 00:10, Mo
1 Stopover Trip 21 day
Return 25.08.25 02:20, Mo
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 13.10.24 01:10, Su
2 Stopovers Trip 8 days
Return 21.10.24 01:50, Mo
Pegasus Airlines PC 317 Day flight
Departure 01.01.25 13:00, We
2 Stopovers Trip 14 days
Return 15.01.25 01:40, We
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 19.10.24 01:10, Sa
2 Stopovers Trip 11 days
Return 29.10.24 23:43, Tu
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 11.10.24 01:10, Fr
2 Stopovers Trip 7 days
Return 17.10.24 19:30, Th
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 25.10.24 01:10, Fr
2 Stopovers Trip 17 days
Return 11.11.24 01:50, Mo
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 20.10.24 01:10, Su
2 Stopovers Trip 10 days
Return 29.10.24 23:43, Tu
Qatar Airways QR 254 Evening flight
Departure 01.08.25 17:40, Fr
1 Stopover Trip 4 days
Return 05.08.25 15:20, Tu
Turkish Airlines TK 377 Night flight
Departure 29.10.24 03:20, Tu
1 Stopover Trip 3 days
Return 01.11.24 05:30, Fr
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 05.01.25 01:50, Su
2 Stopovers Trip 16 days
Return 20.01.25 23:43, Mo
Lufthansa LH 2559 Night flight
Departure 29.11.24 01:50, Fr
2 Stopovers Trip 22 days
Return 20.12.24 21:25, Fr
Lufthansa LH 8755 Night flight
Departure 03.01.25 01:50, Fr
2 Stopovers Trip 8 days
Return 11.01.25 01:50, Sa
Jazeera Airways J9 612 Day flight
Departure 07.10.24 11:00, Mo
2 Stopovers Trip 3 days
Return 10.10.24 03:00, Th
*Prices include: baggage, hand luggage, airline fees and charges.
From Tbilisi to New York from $527! Airfare Deals by Turkish Airlines
from $527 left 26 days
Sales dates 01 October 2024 Flight dates: 18 October 2024
Tbilisi - New York One way, Economy - from $527
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From Tbilisi to New York from $297! Airfare Deals by Norse Atlantic Airways
from $297 left 36 days
Sales dates 01 October 2024 Flight dates: 12 November 2024
Tbilisi - New York One way, Economy - from $297
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Flight Schedule Tbilisi to New York 2024

The current flight schedule for the route from Tbilisi to New York for today, tomorrow and the next few days. This schedule will help you decide on the time of departure and arrival, the airline, the flight number and the day of the week.

Flight schedule not found

Select a date to search for cheap flights to the destination.

*Schedule is indicated only for direct scheduled flights and low-cost airlines.

Flight Information

Flying to New York from Tbilisi takes 12:34 minutes (excluding transfers). The distance between Tbilisi and New York is 5572 miles (8971 kilometers). Planes depart from Tbilisi between 02:45 and 17:25. The fastest flight from the company Lufthansa with flight number LH 2557. Flies for just 16:00 minutes with departure from Tbilisi and arrival in Newark Liberty.


Average flight time

12:34 min



5572 mi

The earliest flight

The earliest flight


The latest flight

The latest flight



The fastest flight



Direct flight

There are 0 airlines that fly directly from Tbilisi to New York. The most popular company carrying out non-stop flights is .

*Flight number

Flights with Transfers

Flights with transfers from Tbilisi to New York can be bought from 7 airlines:

  • Qatar Airways: Doha
  • Ryanair: Milan, Madrid
  • Lufthansa: Munich, Geneva, Helsinki
  • Turkish Airlines: Istanbul, Helsinki
  • Georgian Airways: Tel Aviv, Rome, Kiev
  • Azerbaijan Airlines: Baku
  • UIA: Kiev, Amsterdam

*Transit cities


Airports serving the air communication between Tbilisi and New York. You can fly to New York from 1 Tbilisi airports. Planes arrive at 2 airport in New York.

Tbilisi airports:

Tbilisi  ~ 1 km*

New York airports:

John F. Kennedy  ~ 21 km* from $ 167Newark Liberty  ~ 14 km* from $ 193

*Distance from the airport to the city center


You can fly from Tbilisi to New York on board of 7 airlines that utilize 21 aircraft models.

  • Airbus A318/319/320/321
  • Airbus A320
  • Airbus A320 NEO
  • Airbus A321
  • Airbus A330
  • Airbus A330-300
  • Airbus A340-600
  • Airbus A350-1000
  • Boeing 737
  • Boeing 737-300
  • Boeing 737-800
  • Boeing 737-900
  • Boeing 767-300
  • Boeing 767-400
  • Boeing 777
  • Boeing 777-200
  • Boeing 777-300ER
  • Boeing 787-800
  • Boeing 787-900
  • Embraer 190
  • Embraer 195

Connecting cities

The list of cities on transfer flights to New York from Tbilisi. The best options are to fly through: Doha, Milan, Madrid, Munich, Geneva, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Rome, Kiev, Manchester, Helsinki, Baku, Barcelona, Amsterdam.

Cheap airline tickets from Tbilisi to United States

Here is a list of flights from Tbilisi to United States purchased on in the past 48 hours. If you find an interesting offer for cheap tickets, do not delay your purchase, prices change every 15 minutes.

Tbilisi - New York LH 2557 Lufthansa Airbus A320
01:45 Tbilisi
in a way 16 hours 0 min 1 Stopover
17:45 Newark Liberty
from $420
15 November 2024
Tbilisi - Los Angeles LH 2557 Lufthansa Airbus A320
01:45 Tbilisi
in a way 21 hours 40 min 1 Stopover
23:25 Los Angeles
from $409
22 October 2024
Tbilisi - Miami LH 2557 Lufthansa Airbus A320
01:45 Tbilisi
in a way 20 hours 10 min 1 Stopover
21:55 Miami
from $464
13 October 2024
Tbilisi - Chicago LH 2557 Lufthansa Airbus A320
01:45 Tbilisi
in a way 18 hours 30 min 1 Stopover
20:15 O'Hare
from $491
16 November 2024
Tbilisi - San Francisco RO 130 Tarom Airbus A319
01:55 Tbilisi
in a way 20 hours 50 min 2 Stopovers
22:45 San Francisco
from $534
13 October 2024

All flights from Tbilisi

Flights from Georgia to New York

Here are the cheapest flight bookings from Georgia to New York made by users of our website. If you didn’t find your flight destination, use the search bar at the top of the page.

Tbilisi - New York LH 2557 Lufthansa Airbus A320
01:45 Tbilisi
in a way 16 hours 0 min 1 Stopover
17:45 Newark Liberty
from $420
15 November 2024
Batumi - New York B2 738 Belavia Boeing 737-500
00:40 Batumi Airport
in a way 18 hours 0 min 2 Stopovers
18:40 John F. Kennedy
from $399
13 October 2024
Kutaisi - New York W6 6431 Wizz Air Airbus A320
03:15 Kutaisi
in a way 15 hours 20 min 1 Stopover
18:35 Newark Liberty
from $369
15 November 2024

All flights to New York

Tips for buying a ticket

Tbilisi – New York – Tbilisi round-trip route are always cheaper than tickets purchased there and back separately.

Cheap flights from Tbilisi to New York
New York city

To start searching for tickets, Specify dates.

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